Bruno Mannheim and Intergang have returned to Earth, but their antics are only a prelude to Darkseid’s all-out assault on Earth and Superman. The courageous officer Dan Turpin helps Superman fight off swarms of Apokolips’ demons. They limp on until a warrior from New Genesis, named Orion, arrives to assist them in the war. Orion, […]
After a successful attempt to stop Darkseids plans, the invasion of Earth begins and Superman gets captured and tortured. The people of Metropolis resist and try to fight the evil lord. Even after seeing Superman defeated and paraded through the streets the citizens of Metropolis continue to fight back which bolsters Superman’s confidence. Superman, with […]
Superman discovers Kara, the last survivor of a neighbor planet of Krypton named Argo, who takes the identity of her first cousin and becomes Supergirl. Anxious to fight crime like Superman, Kara soon gets more than she asked for. She and Jimmy Olsen stumble upon a teenage Intergang operation, led by the sadistic Granny Goodness.
Supergirl and Jimmy are able to eradicate Granny’s manipulative hold over the teenagers, but the mistress of Apokolips wants revenge. She summons her Female Furies to teach Supergirl some manners. Suddenly, Superman comes to the rescue and fights the furies. After a while they manage to defeat him and takes him to Apokolips to face […]
Superman crosses paths with a fiery-tempered, metahuman thief named Volcana. She possesses pyrokinetic abilities and is on the run from a secret government agency. With the help of a telekinetic psychologist, Superman hopes to locate and help the misguided Volcana before her fire is put out permanently.
Superman learns that the Dark Knight has been missing from Gotham for some time now. Superman finds Robin, who has been battling all the crime in Batman’s absence, such as Batman rogues The Penguin, The Riddler, Bane, The Mad Hatter and Roxy Rocket. Disguised as Batman, Superman helps Robin investigate why his partner has disappeared, […]
It is the 30th Century and the everlasting villain Brainiac has found a way to travel back in time. He returns to Smallville to destroy Clark Kent before he can become Superman. Three Legionnaires from the future travel back in time to help Clark fight Brainiac.
Lana Lang is in Metropolis managing a series of fashion shows featuring the latest top model, Darci. When an attempt is made to kidnap her, Superman discovers the kidnapping was organized by Toyman, who is obsessed with Darci. Both Superman and Lang suspect the model knows more than she is letting on, and discover she […]
Mister Mxyzptlk, returns and tricks Bizarro into attacking Superman. The Man of Steel must use both brawn and intellect to fight the formidable duo.
Jax-Ur and Mala have escaped from the Phantom Zone and have subjugated an entire planet, ironically dubbing it “New Krypton.” After rescuing a distraught spaceship from a black hole, Superman stumbles upon New Krypton. At first, he feels he should leave Jax-Ur and Mala alone to rule as they please, but he reconsiders when he […]
A member of the Green Lantern Corps crash-lands on Earth and passes his ring on to Kyle Rayner—a Daily Planet artist who becomes the next Green Lantern. With Superman’s help, Kyle learns the power of the ring and quickly becomes a valuable partner. They work together to battle the power-hungry, ruthless opponent Sinestro.
Jimmy Olsen garners unwanted attention after news reporter Angela Chen dubs him “Superman’s Pal.” Jimmy soon runs into more trouble than usual, so Superman must come to his rescue more often. Meanwhile, Jimmy has begun dating a young Daily Planet intern, who has a “thing” for metal. She uses Jimmy to lure Superman into a […]
Creatures of the sea are acting in strange and aggressive ways lately. It turns out Lex Luthor is undergoing an unethical, underwater experiment and has also imprisoned the legendary Aquaman. Lois and Clark must help Aquaman before a war breaks out between Earth and the City of Atlantis.[
Superman and Supergirl must save Smallville, and the world, from the Reverend, a gargantuan scouting probe disguised as a human reverend named Powell, as well as its master, an even larger alien parasite that wishes to unite Earth’s inhabitants in perpetual unity.
Ra’s al Ghul and his Society of Shadows arrive in Metropolis to steal a mythical staff currently on exhibit. The staff can be used to steal Superman’s powers and transfer them to Ra’s. It is up to Batman to locate and rescue Superman from the immortal foe.
Darkseid brainwashes Superman into believing he is his adopted son. With Superman under his control, Darkseid sends him to Earth to decimate its military force.
Lex Luthor halts the invasion by temporarily weakening Superman. The Man of Steel has time to recover from Darkseid’s control, but he is imprisoned by the military and he is sentenced to death. Lois helps Superman escape so that he may pursue Darkseid. On Apokolips, the two titans have an epic battle to conclude the […]
Loading the player... Slade, a mysterious villain, enlists a trio of H.I.V.E. Academy cadets to destroy the Titans. The H.I.V.E. win the initial battle, knocking Robin into a sewer, and later manage to take over Titans Tower. With the Titans now exiled from their home, Robin returns with a plan, and the Titans go on […]
Blackfire, Starfire’s older sister, comes for a visit and quickly ingratiates herself among the Titans. Feeling left out, Starfire decides to leave the Titans before being kidnapped by drones sent from Centauri to arrest Blackfire for stealing. Discovering that her sister tried to have her take the blame, Starfire tracks down Blackfire and has her […]
Cinderblock breaks into a prison but is beaten there by the Titans. However, a misstep in the “sonic boom” attack knocks the Titans out and allows for Cinderblock to escape and take a quarantined Plasmus with him. Robin and Cyborg fight about who messed up, causing Cyborg to quit. Slade unleashes Plasmus on the remaining […]
Beast Boy tries to prank Cyborg, but Starfire is accidentally targeted. She stops talking to him as a result. Meanwhile, the Titans deal with a duo known as Thunder and Lightning, whose version of having fun is causing chaos among the city. The duo is approached by a mystic sage, who teaches them how to […]
While playing football in the park, Cyborg suddenly shuts down. After rebooting, he tells the other Titans that his batteries are dying and requires recharging, but doesn’t get the chance, because the nefarious Mumbo is causing havoc in Jump City. While facing him down, Cyborg’s emergency batteries fall off, and his inert body falls down […]
During a battle with Dr. Light, Raven loses control of her powers, which makes the Titans worried. Later, Beast Boy and Cyborg goes to Raven’s room to apologize, but knock her door down, and Beast Boy discovers a strange-looking mirror, which sucks him and Cyborg into alternate realm where they meet various Emoticlones, the different […]
The Titans receive a package containing puppets modeled after themselves. The Puppet King uses the puppets to trap the souls of Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy and takes control of their bodies. While trying to do the same to Raven and Starfire, Raven uses her powers to stop him, causing their souls to switch into […]
A mysterious new villain called Trident appears and starts stealing nuclear waste from ships. While on a mission to stop Trident, The Titans meet Aqualad, an aquatic hero who knows more about Trident’s plot, and his sidekick Tramm, who helps rebuild the T-Ship while the Titans search for Trident. While Starfire and Raven fawn over […]
While Robin is away checking on leads about Slade, the rest of the Titans deal with a new villain, Red X, who takes them down with ease. Red X tries forming a partnership with Slade, but is tasked with retrieving two other computer chips. Starfire discovers that Robin has not been true about his work. […]
Mysteriously ambushed and knocked out cold, the Titans wake to find themselves in the hands of Mad Mod, a British villain disgruntled by the Titans’ interference in other villains’ business. Separated from each other, the Titans make their way back to each other one by one while dealing with robots and optical illusions. They catch […]
Slade threatens to stop time in the city with a Chronoton Detonator. While searching for the device, Robin, on edge about a nightmare he had just before the mission, attacks everything in sight, including an innocent bystander. After violently sneezing, Starfire, allergic to metallic chromium – a component of the detonator – unwittingly becomes a […]
Loading the player... Blackmailed into becoming Slade’s apprentice, Robin becomes an enemy of the Titans, to their surprise. When faced with the opportunity to blast Starfire, Robin freezes, causing Slade to activate the probes. Catching on to the ruse, the Titans find Robin at Slade’s headquarters. When Slade reactivates the probes, Robin touches the machine […]
Cyborg goes on a chase for his newly finished T-Car after its stolen by Cash and Sammy and entered into the race. After winning the race, Gizmo, one of the contestants in the race, takes the car and leaves Cash and Sammy in a bubble. Cyborg, with the help of a sympathetic Raven, tracks down […]
Starfire is trying to commemorate the Tamaranian holiday Blorthog, a festival of friendship, but is disheartened at the sight of the rest of the team’s constant fighting instead of listening to her. When Warp, a villain from the future, comes back in time to steal an antique, Starfire follows Warp as he prepares to jump […]
A lonely Beast Boy goes into the city as a green dog when the rest of the team is too busy for him. He gets captured by a spaceship and played with by the alien Soto, who believes him to be his original dog. Meanwhile, the other Titans have noticed Beast Boy has gone missing, […]