The babies have their own version of the Olympics with a puddle while Sylvester gets Granny to get over his fear of water.
After misunderstanding a comment by Granny, Lola starts telling everyone their mistakes and saying that they should be like her. Everyone imitates Lola, which annoys her.
After Bugs loses his first tooth, Taz’s tooth becomes loose and Daffy wants to steal it for money.
The babies are afraid of the toilet, and don’t know what it’s for until they flood it and soon find out that it’s an alternative to diapers.
Lola and Bugs get into a big fight and refuse to talk to each other. so Taz, Daffy, Sylvester, and Tweety try to get them to make up.
Sylvester wants to have a tea party with the girls while Lola wants to play basketball with the boys.
No one wants to play with Taz so Taz pretends to hurt himself in order to get attention.
Marvin the Martian pays a visit to the babies, but no one likes him so Taz befriends Marvin to make him feel welcome. Then everyone else feels the same.
The babies all want to do roller skating except Bugs, who feels embarrassed about his lack of talent, but gives it a shot when the Loonies fall down.
When Daffy sees Bugs establish his own lemonade stand, Bugs becomes his partner but doesn’t do his fair share of work, so Daffy competes with his own stand.
Daffy tries to keep his old Mr. McStuffles and yet never plays with it and would rather play with something better.
In a fairy tale, pages of the book are missing, so the babies decide to recreate the pages of the story with drawings. Daffy, Tweety, Sylvester and Lola end up going a little off point.
With Lola’s hair getting in her eyes, Melissa attends to it with hair gel only for Lola to get laughed at. Granny arranges for a hairdressing appointment but Lola has second thoughts about it, until Granny coaxes her.
Everyone cleans up after themselves before nap time except for lazy Daffy. Daffy’s biggest mess puts his and the others’ visit to the park at stake.
Tweety puts the blame on Daffy for every single incident caused by his antics. However Daffy’s situation is more than it would seem.
With no one but imaginary friends attending her tea parties, Petunia attracts the others attention with false alarms. Petunia regrets this after the sink starts overflowing.