After Louie gives up a business venture because of a simple obstacle, Scrooge tells him a story of when he was a prospector in the Old West in the hopes of inspiring him to be just like him. While at a town called Gumption, he ran into Goldie and the two race for gold. However, […]
Finding that he has been robbed of 87 cents, a sickly Scrooge goes on a rampage to find them. The kids think that he is suffering from gold fever and team up with Launchpad, Gyro, Manny, and Gizmoduck to calm him down. When news spreads that Scrooge died from the fever, a triumphant Glomgold shows […]
On the moon, Della fixes the Spear of Selene with the Moonlanders’ help and promises to bring them to Earth with her. However Penumbra, wanting her people to stay and be safe, decides to activate the launch sequence early, forcing Della to take off alone. Before leaving, she gives the rocket plans to Lunaris and […]
Della is reunited with her family, but has a tough time readjusting. While ranting about how to be a better mother, she accidentally reactivates the Gilded Man, El Dorado’s golden robot, which she defeated as a child. The robot attempts to kill Della, but with help from the boys and the rest of the family, […]
Ludwig von Drake’s Arctic doomsday vault – built as a safekeep in case of worldwide disaster – has been damaged. In response, Scrooge brings Della and Dewey to convince Von Drake’s grown-up children that McDuck Enterprises can secure its contents, including the seeds of the Money Tree of Oramorris. Glomgold and Owlson arrive hoping to […]
While shopping for tech with Huey and Webby, Fenton meets rebel scientist, Gandra Dee, and invites her to his lab. Thinking it is a date, Huey, Webby, Lil Bulb, and Manny help make the evening romantic by setting up a dinner and locking Gyro in a closet, despite Fenton wanting it to be all science. […]
Launchpad and Dewey meet the washed-up star of Darkwing Duck, Jim Starling, and learn Scrooge is making a movie adaptation with Alistair Boorswan directing. After a disappointing trailer, however, Scrooge puts Dewey in charge while Starling learns he has been replaced by a younger actor, Drake Mallard. Starling convinces Launchpad to help him get rid […]
Scrooge discovers Louie has turned to Goldie for help in getting rich. She inevitably turns on Louie until she sees that he was invited to Doofus’ birthday party and asks him to take her. They arrive pretending to be an aunt and nephew intending to take all of the million-dollar gift bags. However, Doofus sniffs […]
Lunaris passes off Donald as a spy and sends him to the gold mines. Not wanting the invasion to happen however, Penumbra secretly frees Donald and tells him to meet her at Lunaris’ hangar so they can destroy the rocket fleet. When they eventually get there, they find that Lunaris has been planning to attack […]
After a long night celebrating Webby and Lena’s one-year anniversary as friends, they, Violet, and the boys go to sleep. However, they enter a dream world through Lena’s magic and travel through their favorite dreams. All the while, Lena secretly tries to avoid Magica, who has been invading her dreams over the past week. She […]
At Fort Duckburg, Webby convinces the boys to join her on an adventure to find Cornelius Coot’s golden armory, which Della never found. They discover a secret mine entrance under Coot’s statue, and using Della’s journal, search for the treasure. Meanwhile, Big Time Beagle, who was kicked out of the Beagle Boys, follows them in […]
While preparing the manor for a hurricane, Beakley confronts Della about her lack of strictness. Meanwhile, Louie’s latest scheme, treasure hunting through time with Gyro’s Time Tub, goes horribly wrong when it turns said hurricane into a “timephoon”, bringing people from the past to the present. In an attempt to stop it, Louie returns the […]
A grounded Louie tries to escape the manor and join the family’s latest adventure, but is constantly stopped by Della’s countermeasures. Meanwhile, in a final attempt to win the bet before the deadline, Glomgold teams up with the Beagle Boys, Beaks, Karnage, and Magica to invade the manor. Desperate, Louie tells Glomgold how to win […]
After effectively winning the bet, Louie decides to keep Scrooge and Glomgold’s companies and fortunes, making him “the Richest Duck in the World”. However, he ends up accidentally releasing a monster bent on destroying the world’s richest person known as the Bombie. In the end, following several failed attempts to escape the creature, Louie realizes […]
As the Moonlanders launch their invasion, Scrooge gathers allies for a counterattack. However, it fails and Lunaris reveals his plan to make the Earth revolve around the Moon using a planetary engine. Elsewhere, a fearful Della flies the kids to safety, disguising it as a recruitment drive, but they are attacked and crash on an […]
Huey and Violet partake in a competition for a promotion to Senior Woodchuck. However, as Violet proves herself the better scout, Huey gets desperate and resorts to foul play. In the end, though, Huey’s conscience, appearing as a talking Woodchuck guidebook, gets through to him and he gracefully forfeits. Meanwhile, Scrooge finds a map to […]
While preparing to take a group photo, the family realizes something is wrong and soon find they are trapped in a ’90s sitcom called Quack Pack. Through a flashback sequence, they learn that, while on an adventure to find the Lost Lamp of Collie Baba, Donald wished for a normal life and the genie, Gene, […]
While visiting Funso’s, Scrooge becomes addicted to arcade games while Dewey and Launchpad play a VR spy game. Meanwhile, F.O.W.L. Director Bradford Buzzard orders agents Heron and Steelbeak to remove Scrooge before he discovers Funso’s is their base. Much to Heron’s chagrin though, Steelbeak captures Dewey and Launchpad, who still think they are in the […]
The family heads to Mervana, an underwater society of mer-people, to find its lost harp. Two of the Mervanans, Alethiea and Vero, teach Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, and Donald their ways while Louie, Webby, and Beakley follow a mysterious sound. They eventually find it belongs to the harp, a sentient artifact that tells or confirms the […]
The Three Caballeros are struggling to find a sponsor when they are approached by Louie, who offers a scheme dubbed “Louie’s Eleven”: infiltrate the party of trendsetter Emma Glamour and have her put them on her blog. However, things go south when Donald gets trapped in an elevator with Glamour’s assistant, Daisy Duck, and Glamour […]
Huey befriends B.O.Y.D. while on a camping trip, but the latter malfunctions. When Huey takes him to the lab, Gyro recognizes B.O.Y.D. as his creation and insists that he is dangerous. Due to B.O.Y.D.’s malfunctions however, he begrudgingly takes them to Tokyolk to fix him before he becomes a threat; with Fenton providing protection. After […]
Scrooge takes the kids to Valhalla for a decennial wrestling tournament against Team Ragnarök, led by Jörmungandr, for the fate of the world. While Scrooge wins the first round against Strongbeard, he hurts his back, forcing Dewey to take his place. However, Dewey begins doubting himself and loses the second round when he fails to […]
Lena is struggling to control Magica’s amulet, so Webby and Violet try to cheer her up with a sleepover. However, they are interrupted by an uncharacteristically unlucky Gladstone before being attacked by F.O.W.L. agent Phantom Blot, who stole Gladstone’s luck and now seeks Magica’s amulet. After narrowly driving him off, Webby and Violet convince Lena […]
Della urges Webby and Dewey to bring Penumbra with them to the pier after the kids learn of the grand opening of the Flintferris Glomwheel, Glomgold’s latest gift to Duckburg. Penumbra is reluctant to join the children in their “Earth fun”, but changes her mind after being criticized by her fellow Moonlanders for her stoic […]
At Louie’s behest, the kids abandon Huey’s Halloween trick-or-treating plans and venture into a haunted house that is said to contain years’ worth of candy left there by terrified kids. However, they encounter the monsters Wereduck, Witch Hazel, Nosferatu, and Frankenstein, who scare kids to get candy. Seeing that they do not have any, the […]
While searching for the Fountain of the Foreverglades, Scrooge checks into a hotel, where he learns Goldie also seeks it. In the ensuing race, they become young again after being exposed to the Fountain’s waters. Upon reaching it, however, they are confronted by Rockerduck, who extended his life with cryogenics, joined F.O.W.L., and now seeks […]
Scrooge travels to St. Canard with Huey and Louie to invest in Dr. Taurus Bulba’s Ramrod, a device that can seemingly create anything from nothing. Elsewhere, Launchpad and Dewey reunite with Drake, who is struggling with his superhero career. While on patrol though, they catch a little girl, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer, sneaking into Bulba’s laboratory, who […]
To defend themselves against F.O.W.L., Scrooge has installed a new security system into the Money Bin and challenges Louie and Della to beat it. However, Bradford and Gandra, who turns out to be a F.O.W.L. agent, hack it and trap them inside, forcing them to escape for real. Ultimately, they make it through and Louie […]
Scrooge and the kids, plus Lena and Violet, travel to Istanbird to find the Split Sword of Swanstantine before F.O.W.L. does. However, Scrooge gets into a fight with Heron, leaving the kids to find the pieces. Dewey and Webby race Gandra to the hilt and, despite being temporarily blinded by a flash bomb, beat her […]
Following a failed adventure, Scrooge calls for additional help, causing the kids to think they are being replaced. Suddenly, the family is approached by Selene and Storkules, who reveal that Zeus was stripped of his godhood and that they are looking for a replacement. To cheer the kids up, Della convinces Selene to give them […]
In the 1960s, S.H.U.S.H. rejects Bradford’s proposal of taking over the world to control and prevent chaos, prompting him to co-found F.O.W.L. with Heron. 30 years later, a semi-retired Scrooge is asked to take care of a young Della and Donald all while being tasked by S.H.U.S.H. with retrieving the Papyrus of Binding, a mystical […]
While investigating the absence of the mists that once surrounded Castle McDuck, Scrooge is reunited with his sister, Matilda. However, they end up reigniting their sibling rivalry. Webby attempts to mend their familial relationship, only for it to turn into a family feud as their parents get involved. Meanwhile, Huey and Louie search for the […]