Baby Looney Tunes
When Taz keeps breaking most of his toys, Granny gives him a new one and Taz believes it is broken but Granny says that it is the toy’s job.
Granny leaves and lets Bugs be in charge since Bugs is the oldest, but Taz goes missing.
Sylvester eats all the cookies and Daffy tells Granny a monster did it.
Granny gives Bugs, Daffy, Tweety, and Lola a box to play in. They don’t like it at first, then they fight over whose game is better, using the box to play in, at the end it works for all their games.
Sylvester keeps trying to stay out of bed just so Sylvester can spend some time with Granny.
Daffy tells the babies a scary story that really scares them all, then scares them at night.
The babies have their own version of the Olympics with a puddle while Sylvester gets Granny to get over his fear of water.
After misunderstanding a comment by Granny, Lola starts telling everyone their mistakes and saying that they should be like her. Everyone imitates Lola, which annoys her.
After Bugs loses his first tooth, Taz’s tooth becomes loose and Daffy wants to steal it for money.
The babies are afraid of the toilet, and don’t know what it’s for until they flood it and soon find out that it’s an alternative to diapers.