Baby Looney Tunes
Lola and Bugs get into a big fight and refuse to talk to each other. so Taz, Daffy, Sylvester, and Tweety try to get them to make up.
Sylvester wants to have a tea party with the girls while Lola wants to play basketball with the boys.
No one wants to play with Taz so Taz pretends to hurt himself in order to get attention.
Marvin the Martian pays a visit to the babies, but no one likes him so Taz befriends Marvin to make him feel welcome. Then everyone else feels the same.
The babies all want to do roller skating except Bugs, who feels embarrassed about his lack of talent, but gives it a shot when the Loonies fall down.
When Daffy sees Bugs establish his own lemonade stand, Bugs becomes his partner but doesn’t do his fair share of work, so Daffy competes with his own stand.
Daffy tries to keep his old Mr. McStuffles and yet never plays with it and would rather play with something better.
In a fairy tale, pages of the book are missing, so the babies decide to recreate the pages of the story with drawings. Daffy, Tweety, Sylvester and Lola end up going a little off point.
With Lola’s hair getting in her eyes, Melissa attends to it with hair gel only for Lola to get laughed at. Granny arranges for a hairdressing appointment but Lola has second thoughts about it, until Granny coaxes her.
Everyone cleans up after themselves before nap time except for lazy Daffy. Daffy’s biggest mess puts his and the others’ visit to the park at stake.
Tweety puts the blame on Daffy for every single incident caused by his antics. However Daffy’s situation is more than it would seem.
With no one but imaginary friends attending her tea parties, Petunia attracts the others attention with false alarms. Petunia regrets this after the sink starts overflowing.
Sylvester gets envious when his attention for being cute is replaced by Baby Pepe, but Pepe comes to like him after Pepe shows affection for him.
After Bugs’ attempt to do magic tricks fails, Bugs wanders into the countryside to view and experience the beauty of springtime, inspiring him to try again with his magic show.
Daffy learns a new word from a garbage man, and later uses it when he gets angry. Daffy teaches it to his friends, and they use it on Granny. Surprised, Granny confronts Daffy and shows him effective ways to control his anger without using profanities.
Everybody wants to help Granny make a cake except Melissa who just wants to just eat it. Although Melissa misses out on the cake, she joins the others to make another one.
Feeling left out, Petunia and Tweety decide to call Granny’s sister Auntie, but instead they call a long distance number to Japan, so Granny gives them walkie talkies to play with.
The babies become obsessed eating boxes of cereal and gaining prizes when Sylvester receives his. They continue their eating until they get stomach aches. Lacking in cereal the babies eat oatmeal porridge the following morning.
The babies practice some table manners to go to a restaurant with Granny. Instead they make a mess. After cleaning up, Granny gives them lessons in preparation for the trip.
The babies earn some money from Granny to purchase ice cream, except for Petunia who is saving up. The ice cream man soon introduces a sundae only Petunia can afford and she shares it with everyone.
Melissa tries to find something for Petunia that she’s good at. Although her attempts to play well fail, the others discover Petunia is good at helpful assistance.
Lola gets in the habit of pouting when she doesn’t get her own way. Fed up with her brattiness, the others mimicking her pouting mood expressions, but begin to use them against each other, until Granny tells Lola about taking turns.
After watching a Ron Pickles TV special, Melissa begins cracking jokes at her friends, annoying them and eventually upsetting Lola. After a talk with Granny, she makes it up to her friends with comical speech.
Daffy believes Bugs get some new toys in exchange for giving his old ones away not realizing what is in store for sharing his stuff.
Sylvester becomes afraid of new changes as the babies and Granny try to widen variety and has no wish to join in the fun, until Granny shows Sylvester what Daffy’s missing.
Sylvester, Bugs, and Daffy all try to hog attention for Granny. To sort this out, Granny treats the three like they’re younger than the others, prompting them to change.
While Granny is recovering from a foot bunion, Lola takes charge. The babies soon get tired of Lola’s decision making and they tire her out.
Thinking it’s the right thing, Lola tells on her friends for any misbehavior. In response to her telltale antics, the babies refuse to play with her, but Lola settles the matter with an apology.
Daffy and Melissa stick together to play impractical jokes on the others. To get even, Lola demonstrates the consequences of an impractical joke to Daffy and Melissa.
Melissa gossips tales of Taz to the others, whilst Bugs has doubts and tries to prove they aren’t true. After proving her wrong, Melissa confesses her fibs.