Batman: The Animated Series
Loading the player... When a horrifying bat creature terrorizes Gotham City, police conclude that it is Batman. Batman’s investigation leads him to the laboratory of Kirk Langstrom a scientist, who has been experimenting with a formula serum that turns him into a Bat-like creature. Not only does Batman have to capture Man-Bat in order to […]
Loading the player... On Christmas Eve, Joker broadcasts a pirate Christmas special on television. Batman and Robin have until midnight to fight their way past Joker’s traps hidden all over town and rescue Commissioner Gordon, Harvey Bullock, and Summer Gleeson.
Loading the player... Batman faces off against the Scarecrow whose fear gas makes the superhero afraid of disgracing the Wayne name.
Loading the player... The Joker’s plot to send all of Gotham into insanity with Joker-gas from a garbage scow leads to a battle on the water.
Loading the player... When Harvey Dent is poisoned with derivative from an extinct flower, Batman must hunt down the assailant who has the antidote, the villainous plant fanatic Poison Ivy.
Loading the player... Batman discovers a subterranean colony of children in the sewer system dominated by the insane Sewer King.
Loading the player... The day after a police sting to catch a drug lord goes disastrously wrong, the events of the night before are reconstructed by the accounts of three police officers: Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya, and a rookie.
Loading the player... While in disguise investigating the disappearance of homeless people, Batman is attacked and abducted to a slave camp with his memory lost.
Loading the player... An offhand remark by Mayor Hill on television spurs the Joker into sneaking onto his estate disguised as a clown at the birthday party for Hill’s son, Jordan. Joker plants a bomb, but Bruce Wayne, who is attending the party, manages to defuse it. However, Jordan, who is angry at his father, […]
Loading the player... On the election trail, Harvey Dent gradually loses control of his repressed evil alternate personality until gangster Rupert Thorne inadvertently unleashes it.
Loading the player... Two-Face begins robbing Rupert Thorne’s business in revenge while both the gangster and Batman hunt the dichotomous supervillain for their own reasons.
Loading the player... Batman intervenes in a gang war and tries to convince the older of two rival bosses to change his ways.
Loading the player... While trying to thwart Penguin’s robbery of a rare Faberge egg, Batman is weakened by exposure to a toxic gas. He takes shelter in a basement apartment belonging to a teen-aged amateur detective.
Loading the player... Batman must stop a vengeful Mr. Freeze from fulfilling his vendetta against a callous businessman.
Loading the player... Catwoman and Batman join forces in an attempt to foil the evil forces of a terrorist by the name of Red Claw.
Loading the player... Batman and Catwoman must work together to stop Red Claw from releasing a viral plague outside Gotham.
Loading the player... A small-time crook has stolen an invisibility suit, which he has been using to steal jewels, and now plans to steal his young daughter from his ex-wife.
Loading the player... A series of bombings reminiscent of a long lost TV series occur and the washed up star of it may be connected.
Loading the player... A con man convinces a large group of Gotham’s richest men that he can see into the future by arranging a series of near-fatal accidents.
Loading the player... Forcibly overdosed on a shapechanging substance, Matt Hagan has become the shapeshifting monster, Clayface, and now wants revenge on Roland Dagget.
Loading the player... An ordinary man finds himself forced to assist The Joker in one of his crimes.
Loading the player... A convict turned witness disappears and Harvey Bullock, who arrested him, is suspected in the incident.
Loading the player... While investigating a mysterious series of athlete panic attacks during games, Robin is exposed to the fear toxin of the culprit, The Scarecrow.
Loading the player... A ruined efficiency expert with an uncanny sense of timing and schedules plots his revenge against Mayor Hill.
Loading the player... On Batman’s annual intensive patrol of the street where his parents were murdered, Roland Dagget plots to devastate it.
Loading the player... When a jealous scientist with a passion of Alice in Wonderland uses his mind control devices to have his dream girl for his own, Batman must intervene.
Loading the player... While affected by the Scarecrow’s fear toxin, Batman finds himself an inmate of Arkham Asylum.
Loading the player... A health resort, reputed to able to restore one’s youth, has a horrific price Batman must cancel.
Loading the player... After being knocked out in a mysterious warehouse, Batman wakes up in a world where his parents are alive, he is engaged to Selina Kyle, and someone else is Batman.
Loading the player... A master designer of deathtraps is hired to take Batman’s cowl and cape.
Loading the player... Robin finds out that the leader of an extortion ring he and Batman are tracking is Tony Zucco, the man who murdered his parents.