Dexter's Laboratory
Dee Dee’s stuffed animals come to life and roam the house when Dee Dee uses a formula that brings inanimate objects to life, which delights Dee Dee, much to his dismay.
Dexter creates a new type of ink that lets him command people to do whatever he wants. However, when Mandark gets his hands on it, Dexter is the one that becomes commanded.
When Dee Dee eats a contaminated apple, she turns into a monster every time when she tells Dexter what to do.
Dexter’s father sleepwalks into Dexter’s lab. Dexter discovers this, and now has to escort him out of the lab without waking him up, which proves more difficult than thought.
Dexter studies the potato, and when he is fascinated by its power to light up a light bulb, he tries to use it as an energy source.
Dexter tries to improve his eyesight by giving himself laser eye surgery, but goes too far in doing so.
Dexter and Mandark are both outperformed by a new girl at school, so they reluctantly team up to get rid of her.
Dexter’s mother attempts to support him during a chess tournament but does nothing but embarrass him.
Again tired of being short, but mindful of his past failures, Dexter decides to make everyone shorter than himself.
Old Dexter And Old Dee Dee’s talks about the glory days, and his sister is still there to inject her opinions, telling him what really happened.
When Dee Dee tries to cut off a piece of her hair, she accidentally cuts off one of her pigtails. Dexter gives her a potion to make her missing hair grow back. However, Dee Dee squirts too much of it in her hair, and Dexter must return Dee Dee’s hair back to normal.
Dexter refuses to admit that blondes have more fun, so Dee Dee secretly dyes his hair blond to prove it to him.
Dexter and his father enter a golf tournament, but Dexter’s father proves inept at the sport.
Dexter, Monkey, Agent Honeydew, the Justice Friends, Dee Dee, her imaginary friend Koosalagoopagoop, Mandark, his parents, and Dexter’s parents participate in a cross-country race a la Wacky Races.
Dexter catches the chicken pox, and Dee Dee tells him a ridiculous tale that if he keeps scratching them, he will turn into an evil chicken. Dexter completely restrains himself so that he will not have to scratch it; unfortunately, he is unable to resist and his nonstop scratching eventually does just that.
Dexter creates a device that turns people into hideous blobs. His parents then sell the device in a garage sale, where it ends up in Mandark’s hands.
When Dee Dee’s Judo skills prove too much for Dexter, Dexter learns how to fight back at the same dojo she went to.
Dexter falls in love with a new girl at his school, but he cannot win her heart until Dee Dee helps him with poetry
Dexter is forced to take Dee Dee to the zoo. There, she ends up trying to save an ostrich with disastrous results. Dee Dee and the ostrich switches their places.
Loading the player... Dexter decides to work with Mandark, but finds himself doing all of the work. In the end, Mandark tries to press the button when Dexter connects the plug in the outlet to bring his show title back.