I Am Weasel
After a chief engineer is hit by a comet, Weasel is summoned to help finish the transatlantic bridge project from New York to Paris.
Ignorant to Weasel’s warnings, I.R. attempts to become the first baboon on the sun.
Weasel sets forth to rescue three children and Captain I.R. Baboon from their sinking bathysphere.
Weasel attempts to teach I.R. Baboon proper etiquette in preparation for a royal gathering in Yurp.
I.R.’s organic pig farm causes an uproar in a city, leaving it up to Weasel to solve the problem.
I.R. manages to get himself into a live ping-pong game against Weasel, but he gets disqualified because he used an egg as a ball.
I.R. creates a disease which transforms people into amoebas, leaving it up to Weasel to clean this mess up.
I.R. is running a failing plant stall and attempts to do a better job by selling a rare thistle from a nearby plant museum.
Weasel attempts to save the lives of 5 French-Canadian beavers from being held at saw-point by two surfers.
I.R. constantly makes changes to the Law of Gravity, much to the annoyance and disapproval of Weasel.
I.R.’s Christmas celebrations go wrong when his family are thawed out at Weasel’s pent-house.
Both Weasel and I.R. end up in hospital after a collision course. However, a slight mix-up in the operation room leads to both having the other’s brain. This episode was originally meant to be the series finale, but the show was renewed for a second season.
I.R. adopts a baby, but is soon given lessons in motherhood by Weasel. This episode had to be revised in 1999 to remove the letter “N” from I.R.’s helmet after a lawsuit from the University of Nebraska.
Weasel and I.R. concoct life, but the red-butt baboon soon becomes jealous when Weasel’s world evolves faster than his.
Weasel tries to help provide a good source for people with a severe crying syndrome.
After tripping over an invisible pot-hole, I.R. breaks his “phantom foot”. Ultimately, he attempts to sue Weasel over his injury.
It’s the Egyptian times, and Weasel and I.R. are both asp exterminators, attempting to save the queen Cleopantless (The Red Guy) from this infestation.
In an attempt to prove his claim that he’s a better musician than Weasel, I.R. gatecrashes a live event, armed with a theremin.
Uncle Breezybum (The Red Guy) tells a story about Weasel, I.R. and pixie fairie versions of the same characters.
Weasel and his guest spend some quality time together in Saskatchewan, Canada. Later, Weasel teaches I.R. about ice fishing.
Weasel saves a woman (The Red Guy) from a fire, but everyone thinks I.R. did it and Weasel is framed for starting the fire.
With help from the Red Guy, Cow manages to fish Weasel out of her TV and into her home, leaving it up to I.R. to find him.
Whilst in prison, Weasel explains his crime when he stalked I.R. Baboon as a subject for a wildlife study, which turns out to all be a bad weasel dream that Cow had.
Weasel and I.R. travel in time, changing it in the process (expect dinosaurs and the inventions of glasses and onion rings).
Weasel studies one of the natural wonders of the world, a gigantic hole. Unfortunately, I.R. has come over as well, along with his obsession to fill up every single hole in the world.
Serving a 99-year sentence at a correctional facility with I.R. Baboon, Weasel starts to feel concerned about the inhumane correctional devices that are set up on fellow prisoners.
Weasel is an aircraft pilot, with I.R. as his co-pilot. Their job is to bring passengers upstream because of a dam, created by beavers, getting in the way. However, things go wrong when there’s too much weight aboard.
Weasel and I.R. end up stranded on an island made entirely of confectioneries (i.e., chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes, etc.).
I.R. is the captain of his own ship, but Admiral Weasel is concerned over his rules and the condition of the actual ship.