The Looney Tunes Show
After Trans-Visitron shuts off Bugs’ cable, he seeks revenge on the company’s sadistic customer service representative Cecil Turtle. Meanwhile, Daffy gets a job as a customer service representative supervisor at Trans-Visitron and begins to fire everyone. At the same time, Tina approaches Lola about how to be positive and upbeat after she is suspended from […]
In an attempt to keep his supposed “place” in his group of friends, Daffy competes with Porky in a marathon. Daffy ends up being trained by Speedy Gonzales. Meanwhile, Yosemite Sam is determined to repay Bugs for saving his life and temporarily forgets about getting his guns back. After eating a large breakfast, Daffy can’t […]
Daffy’s handbag has gone missing during his time at the mall’s food court and Daffy goes into a state of depression. Bugs goes to the mall to look for a new handbag, which Daffy claims to be irreplaceable. While out at the mall, Lola mistakes Bugs getting Daffy a new handbag as a gift for […]
When the overwhelming heat zaps everyone’s enthusiasm for Christmas, Lola decides to stage a production of A Christmas Carol to renew the town’s holiday spirit and the fact that the local theater has air conditioning where she casts Bugs, Porky, Speedy, Yosemite Sam, and the Gophers in her play. However, Lola instead of following the […]
After learning that truffles are extremely expensive Daffy convinces Porky to help him with a get-rich-quick scheme of his. While looking for truffles, Daffy and Porky get lost in the woods. Meanwhile, Bugs watches over Gossamer while Witch Lezah is at a Witch’s Convention in the 5th Dimension and receives reluctant help from Lola. But […]
After watching a movie together, Bugs explains to Lola what a Dear John letter is. Mutual mix-ups and misinterpretations lead to Lola and Bugs thinking that each of them want break up with each other; Bugs needed a repairman named John to fix his microwave and left a note saying it didn’t work, and Lola, […]
When Tina’s father Frank comes for a visit, Daffy pretends to be a lawyer in order to impress him as a suggestion from Lola. Daffy persuades Bugs to act as his slacker roommate. During Daffy’s time as a lawyer with Lola acting as his secretary, his first client is Yosemite Sam who burnt the roof […]
After misunderstanding the metaphor “spread your wings and fly” at a self-help seminar held by Wieb Lunk, Daffy is inspired learn how to fly. Meanwhile, Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam end up in a feud when they both suspect each other of stealing each other’s stuff.
Daffy wants to go on spring break for fun and drags a reluctant Porky along, only to end up in a sleepy Mexican town. Lola loses her mother’s bracelet and uses a movie persona to fake that someone stole it. She and Bugs find out that Lola was wearing it on her ankle the entire […]
Porky and Bugs decide to start a business together selling carrot cake to capitalize on Porky’s fine cooking skills and Bugs’ acute gardening skills. Foghorn Leghorn then convinces them into signing on with a big-brand company, but Bugs and Porky end up arguing on the name and marketing of the cake. Daffy attempts to become […]
Daffy must shake an online shopping addiction because the quick click is connected to Bugs Bunny’s bank account. Daffy is dragged by Yosemite Sam into a group therapy, which helps Daffy to briefly change his ways. Bugs is addicted to a video game called “Gribbler’s Quest IV: Elves vs. Fairies vs. Griblets.”. After learning that […]
After a choking experience at Pizzariba’s all-you-can-eat buffet, Daffy takes piano lessons from Granny prompting Bugs to get noise-cancelling headphones while getting a new TV to replace the one that Daffy sold to get his piano. Soon, Bugs realizes they come in handy for more than just blocking out Daffy’s playing when it comes to […]
After accidentally getting shipped to Alaska by Yosemite Sam, Taz, Tweety, and Sylvester join forces on an epic journey home. They end up being tracked by a tracker named Blacque Jacque Shellacque.
Bugs replaces Daffy’s broken recliner with a new one much to the objection of Daffy due to the recliner being his only possession. Bugs and Daffy have a run-in with Cecil Turtle where they discover that they got his shell cracked. While helping Cecil, Bugs discovers that Cecil has been scamming people by pretending to […]
Daffy is highly insulted when he discovers that ducks are not included in the Chinese zodiac and learns from Foghorn Leghorn that ducks are #64 on the Animal Popularity index. In an attempt to make ducks more popular, he talks Tina into entering a local beauty pageant. Meanwhile, Porky thinks it’s the Chinese Year of […]
Daffy becomes campaign manager for Gossamer’s run for Class President, taking things too far. Meanwhile, Porky moves in with Bugs and Daffy after his catering business goes broke and spends his days reorganizing everything in Bugs and Daffy’s house much to Bugs’ dismay.
Daffy accompanies Porky to the wedding of Brian Patrick Kennedy IV and Becky A. Hogg so they can stop it thinking Becky is Porky’s true love. Meanwhile, Bugs finds that without Daffy around, life is boring.
Daffy enters a hot dog-eating contest while Bugs helps Yosemite Sam perform a stunt jumping a bus over a row of motorcycles. Daffy practices for the contest while Porky follows Daffy’s rules on how to stay cool with Petunia (who Porky met in the previous episode). Bugs attempts to soothe his rapidly beating heart when […]
While Daffy tries to steal Bugs’ stuff to pay for a present for Tina, Bugs tells him the story about Super Rabbit (Bugs’ version of Superman) and his battle with Brainiac (Marvin the Martian), Lex Luthor (Elmer Fudd) and Kryptonian criminals General Zod (Daffy Duck), Faora, and Thunkian (a robot with “the intellect and personality […]
Daffy is jealous when Bugs meets up with an old friend named Rodney Rabbit and starts to feel left out. To make sure that he is still Bugs’ friend, Daffy uses the time vortex at Witch Lezah’s house to go back in time and ensure Bugs and Rodney never meet each other. When history is […]